PSVR 2 Series: Episode 1 - Opening Day
Opening day technically started 24 hours ahead of the arrival of the PS VR 2 that I had pre-ordered back in December. I had been monitoring my credit card charge, which had been pending for several days, for it suddenly disappeared with no shipping info in sight.
I went to Reddit and found there were others. Well, I determined nothing to be done and went to bed. Woke up, and woohoo, I had an email that I had been charged and had shipping info. Now time to work and wait for the arrival of the package.
The package arrived in perfect condition and was very easy to unpack. Hooked everything up to start the process and then got all the way to the scanning stage, and it stopped working. Since this was around noon and I still had meetings to attend, the reattempt at this would have to wait till evening.
Evening rolls around, and I finally have time to explore this new toy properly. Finally, I get the blue hexagonal shapes to appear and scan my room. Next is to figure out if my eyes and head are too small or if I am failing at the setup since the text I saw wasn’t entirely clear but also not super blurry. So my husband came out to test it and seemed to be doing better, but not great. At this point, I decided instead of looking at text on my virtual tv screen, maybe a game would be a better attempt.
I downloaded the Star Wars demo simply because I knew it would be faster. Also, I was concerned about motion sickness (more on that shortly). Launching the game was amazing! I was immediately transported. However, I could not figure out the demo for the life of me, BUT I am a gamer noob, so more than likely, that is on me. Graphics here looked great, although I will say I had to take the goggles off and then put them back on, cuz cat… and I guess I didn’t spend enough time getting them just right, so things got a little off, and I did end up with a little bit of a headache.
I did initially set to transport, but that felt wonky, so I tried free move… if you easily get headaches, stick with transport, which is what I intend to do in the next chapter when I try Horizon Call of the Mountain and possibly Tentacular, as that was recommended by Eurogamer as a good intro non-motion sickness inducing game.
Stay tuned for further episodes of my new VR series, a day in the life of a brand new VR user.