Hogwarts Legacy Tips for Newbie Gamers
There are some out there like me who only started playing video games or even getting a console for the purpose of playing Hogwarts Legacy. Many of us did not want to miss the opportunity to explore and adventure inside the wizarding world just because we didn’t previously partake in this activity.
I got my console a year ago and had only played a couple games before Hogwarts Legacy, so my first play-through was very similar to what someone who has never ventured into this realm might look like. As a result, I would like to share tips and tricks for newbie gamers that you might miss from some of the other wonderful content creators out there.
Story Mode is probably the best way to enjoy the game without being overwhelmed by the combat. While the combat system in this game is easier than many to pick up, there is a lot of button toggling and combos to get used to. Not having longer and more challenging bosses will allow you to settle more into the story.
Don’t forget to explore! If you are not used to an open-world game, it can seem intimidating, and it may lead you to try to stick to the main storyline, but if you do, you may miss out on some fun.
Do your assignments as soon as you get them. The spells that they will provide you are required to progress in many cases, so not completing them close to when you get them could hinder your progress in the game.
Try to grow and brew your potions and plants. While it costs more money to buy the recipe, you will save a lot of money down the road.
To get money early on, do two things: find the eyeball chests as they have 500 coins a piece; keep selling your gear.
Speaking of selling your gear, I am going to repeat it, keep selling it. It is worth it before starting any new quest to get rid of any extra gear. If you already have your Room of Requirement, go there first, ensure everything levels up for traits and upgrades, and then floo powder over to Hogsmead to sell what you do not need. You can sell at pretty much any location besides Brood and Peck.
On the topic of Brood and Peck, this is a third way to get more coins if needed. Sell the creatures you collect beyond the ones you need in the RoR.
If you don’t like spiders like me (I am terrified and wish they were butterflies 🦋). In that case, my suggestion is this: find the quest you are going on (any time you see a tomb or catacombs, it is a safe bet, watch a YouTube video of it, so you avoid jump scares and then play with no sound and possibly a buddy nearby for moral support (I had my husband sit next to me for a couple of them).
This trick is a list of all the resources that I like to use, particularly for this game:
Artik - best for guides, particularly traits and gear
RetroRaconteur Let’s Play - I enjoy watching his playthroughsplay-throughs, although not good for individual quests, just search on YouTube for that
XpectoGO - great for news and he was even featured as community host during one of the lead up events
IGN guides - literally for any quest, question or thing you could want to look up, this is the best place for it
Lastly, an interactive map, good for giving you an indicator where to go for things like trolls or kneazels
And, of course, my last tip is to remember to have fun - you did not buy this game or console to frustrate yourself :)
Image credit: https://www.hogwartslegacy.com/en-gb/media